Go it Alone

You are the Digital something at your library. You work on web projects. You support open access/ open education/ open (meta)data/ open source initiatives. You are excited about the possibilities, but limited by your IT systems and resources. You remember a little about XML or HTML/CSS from school. You can’t choose (or can’t afford) a “platform.” You are given a wide scope, but no budget. You go it alone.

Here’s what you will need:

Here’s what you will learn:

Sounds good. What’s the catch?

You are now the marketer of the service you provide. You are now the project manager. You are now the web designer. You are now the web developer. You are now the systems admin/DevOps engineer. You are now the maintainer.

Will it be OK? Probably! Here’s what it takes:

Lib-Static is a community focused on data portability, code reusability, and project maintainability. More importantly, Lib-Static is a community dedicated to supporting colleagues on their learning paths.

contributor: Chris Diaz (Northwestern University Library)
last update: 2021-08-04