archipelagos: a journal of Caribbean digital praxis

a born-digital, peer-reviewed publication devoted to creative exploration, debate, and critical thinking about and through digital practices in contemporary scholarly and artistic work in and on the Caribbean

Models Of : Digital Publishing OA

People: Kaiama L. Glover , Alex Gil

stylized island topographic map logo

About archipelagos: a journal of Caribbean digital praxis

Archipelagos uses a static web approach to generate a high quality journal while minimizing production costs (see workflow). From the About page:

“we have thought through our platform with the same critical eye we cast on the archive, and our resulting infrastructure embodies our principles. We are fully open access and charge no author fees. Our authors retain their copyright. We pursue best indexing, accessibility, and archival practices. We emphasize the primacy of “sustainable authorship in plain text.” Our website and PDFs are generated from the same markdown files using Jekyll and ConTeXt, respectively. The resulting website is light-weight and mobile-friendly, acknowledging the importance of mobile phones, bandwidth differentials, and data costs in the Caribbean. We version and share our software and data freely on GitHub. We have reduced the workflow for producing a journal to a small team and a small budget, and we offer our production knowledge to those who would ask for it.”

record contributor: Evan Peter Williamson (University of Idaho Library)
last update: 2022-08-09