
CTRL-Shift is an online collection of audio recordings, transcripts, process visualizations, and data analyses broken out from interviews conducted with 11 prominent contemporary American poets from across the United States.

Models Of : Poetry Qualitative Data Analysis Oral History Screwing-Around

People: Devin Becker (University of Idaho Library) , Corey Oglesby , Lauren Westerfield

CTRL-Shift home page featuring open book pages of writing

About CTRL+Shift

Build using an early version of Oral History as Data. Uses: Jekyll; CSV; SVG; JavaScript; Bootstrap; Voyant; YouTube.

Interpretive and generated visualizations for writing process and coded transcript, respectively, are created for each poet.

process visualization example

Writing process visualization is generated using YML and HTML Table, and a Liquid based layout that uses the processes.yml file to generate a grid of writing process visualizations with additional details appearing as tooltips when hovered.

YouTube Transcription Poem Generator, is created by automated transcriptions downloaded from YouTube into a collection folder, then transformed using Liquid and some Javascript.

random generated poem

record contributor: Devin Becker (University of Idaho Library)
last update: 2021-08-04